Meeting of partners from Uzbekistan of the project devoted to develop the curricula of master’s degree program “Intelligent transport systems”

The meeting was held at the Tashkent Institute of Design, Construction & Maintenance of Automobile Roads.
The following were in attendance at the meeting:
1 Mukhitdinov A. Tashkent institute of design, construction and maintenance of automobile roads (TICAR) Professor
2 Samatov G. TICAR Professor
3 Khodiyev U. Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan (MHSSE) Head of the board
4 Khakimov Sh. TICAR Doctor
5 Ziyayev K. TICAR Vice rector
6 Nurmatov A. TICAR Senior teacher
7 Rajapova S. TICAR Senior teacher
8 Kutlimuratov K. TICAR Assistant
9 Kodirov T. TICAR Head of monitoring board
10 Ruzmetov R. Tashkent institute of railway engineers (TIRE) Doctor
11 Israilov U. TIRE Senior teacher
12 Olimov A. Andijan machine building institute (AndMI) Doctor
13 Kuziev A. Termez state university (TerSU) Doctor
14 Nosirov Kh. Tashkent university of information technologies (TUIT) Doctor
15 Usmanov S. Jizzakh Polytechnic institute (JizPI) Doctor
- Analyse of syllabuses forwarded by EU academic partners and comments for them;
- Discussion of the curriculum development for new master’s degree program “Intelligent Transport Systems: New ICT – based Master’s Curricula for Uzbekistan / INTRAS”.
Comments for syllabuses: The syllabuses of courses of the common track are analyzed by all participants of the meeting. Contents of all syllabuses are looked through.
Participants decided: The syllabuses of courses of the common track satisfy all partner universities from Uzbekistan and Uzbek partner universities will develop own specialized Curriculum based on common track forwarded from EU partners. Partners from Uzbekistan decided to ask recommendations from EU partners to develop syllabuses for laboratory lessons and support on preparing materials related to teaching courses (lecture presentations, class exercises/lab works) and for capacity building.
Draft of Curriculum:
Participants of the meeting developed draft of Curriculum and discussed it with the representative from MHSSE. The representative from MHSSE U. Khodiyev was informed about approximate number of applicants for admission to the new master’s degree program in 2019-2020 academic year.
By decision of the meeting following courses are included to the draft of Curriculum:
Common courses FOR ALL
1 Advanced Statistics and Data Analysis
2 Mathematical Methods in Transportation
3 Transportation Systems, Transport Planning, and Traffic Management Fundamentals
4 Traffic Modeling and Simulation
5 Positioning Technologies and Geographic Information Systems
6 Traffic Sensors Technologies, Data Acquisition and Processing, Communications, ITS Architectures & Services, and Systems Fundamentals
7 Structured and Object Oriented Programming with MATLAB and PYTHON
Specialization coursesfor TICAR, JizPI, AndMI and TerSU
1 Intelligent Vehicle Technologies & Smart Mobility
2 Transportation Economics and Demand analysis
3 Road Traffic Engineering and Optimization
4 In-Vehicle Information Systems
5 Robotics, Autonomous Vehicles, and Smart Logistics
6 Mobility Service Design-and-Management and Economics of Mobility
7 Communications and Information Systems in Smart Transportation
Specialization coursesfor TIRE
1 ITS and management of logistic systems
2 Transportation Economics and Demand Analysis
3 Signaling, Command-Control, and Safety for Railways
4 Communications and Localization Systems for Railways
5 Traffic Management and Scheduling for Railways
6 Automation, Driver Assistance, and Digital Services in Railway Systems
Specialization coursesfor TUIT
1 Machine Learning, Big Data, and Data Mining Fundamentals
2 Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Video Surveillance Systems
3 Intelligent Vehicle Technologies & Smart Mobility
4 Web Technologies, Recommender Systems, and Mobile Applications in Transportation
5 Communications and Information Systems in Smart Transportation
6 Mobility Service Design-and-Management and Economics of Mobility
All decisions of the meeting have been confirmed by participants of the project from Uzbekistan.