Toshkulov A.H., Samatov Z.O.
Termez State University
The Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Measures for Further Improvement of the Automobile Transport Management System", approved by the head of our state on March 6, 2018, noted that in recent years, there is a lack of full use of available opportunities and resources for the rapid development of the transport services industry, modernization of motor and advanced information and communication technologies, and intelligent transport systems are not properly introduced in the industry as well as it is pointed out that the potential of the country to increase export and transit of motor transport service is quite high but are not fully utilized.
In order to ensure implementation of these resolutions, measures are being taken to improve the automotive transport management system in our country, to ensure the safety of road transport, and to form and develop the market of motor transport services.
As a result of the increase in the population and living standards, there has been an increase in the traffic intensity across the country. Despite the fact that modern vehicles are equipped with super-technology, automobile management is still dangerous. As it is known, in big cities and highways with high traffic intensity, the likelihood of an emergency situation is high. This system is dependent on a large number of elements and it is difficult to avoid unpleasant situations unless measures are taken order to solve it. Nevertheless, there are always opportunities for positive change, which means that it is possible to overcome the misery and minimize the negative effects. However, this is a short-term, quantitative solution to the problem, which means it will not be possible to completely eliminate it because the number of cars will increase on the route. Therefore, this problem can be solved by the intellectual transport system (ITS) quality, in which the achievements of science and technology are used effectively. ITS achieves such efficiency through the integration of equipment, software and networks needed for data collection, processing and delivery for all road users.
ITS is a sophisticated engineering structure that is an innovative approach to modeling and transport flow management. It provides the maximum utilization of the transport network, enhancing the efficiency and safety of transportation, improving transport and user comfort, and providing immediate response to emergency medical care. As a result, a great deal of information and security will be provided to consumers, and the quality of interaction will be enhanced. In developed countries, such as the United States, Japan, Germany, France and China, these technologies have been widely used in transport management over 20-30 years ago.
At the same time, 6 higher education institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan, including Termez State University, will also be trained on ERASMUS+ 586292-ERR-1-2017-1-RL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP “Intelligent Transport Systems: New ICT based Master’s Curricula for Uzbekistan”.
The main objectives of the project are:
- to develop a new ICT based Master’s curricula for Uzbekistan;
- to create ITS laboratories on the basis of ICT;
- to establish links between universities and public enterprises;
- to create an infrastructure and system for the preparation of new generation ITT engineers. These engineers will be able to deal with issues of local and regional transport in public administration, industrial and private consumption in Uzbekistan.
The country’s efforts to train highly qualified specialists within the framework of the European standard and to implement ITS will definitely improve the potential of the country to increase export and transit of motor transport service.
This scientific and practical project plays a significant role in implementing the tasks outlined in the Presidential Decree No. 3589 of dated March 6, 2018 "On measures to further improve the automotive transport management system" and other normative and legal acts in the field.